A number of very simple "tools" (really examples) are provided with
the XML Security library. These can be used either to provide examples
of how to use the library or as simple utilities in their own right for
performing canonicalisation and signature functions.
The tools are :
- c14n - A tool to output a Canonicalised version of an
input document.
- checksig - A tool to validate a signature in an XML
input document
- templatesign - A tool to sign an XML document that already
has the <Signature> structure installed, but needs the references
hashed and the SignatureValue set.
- txfmout - A tool to take an XML Signature and output
the fully transformed references to stdout or a nominated file
The tools can all be run with no command line arguments to see their
One extra "tool" is provided - xtest. This is really a testing
program that exercises various capabilities of the library and compares
the results with known good results.